Ms Turner

My name is Nicola Turner. At Glenthorne, I am the Deputy Headteacher, Year 6 Teacher and DSL. I am also responsible for Writing, Curriculum and Assessment.


I am a keen gym member and I enjoy spending time with friends and family. I love visiting different locations all over the world so spend most of my free time day dreaming about my next holiday. I enjoy listening to a wide range of music and often go to concerts and gigs in my free time.


One of the things I really like about Glenthorne is seeing the children being independent. I feel strongly about ensuring children are ready for the transition to high school, so seeing children from Nursery to Year 6 taking charge of their learning is fantastic.


My favourite subject when I was at school was definitely Geography (mainly due to the teacher!) although English was always a very close second. My love of English has continued to grow throughout my teaching.


If I wasn’t a teacher, I would be, in a dream world, a children’s author. I still hope to find the time to try and accomplish this one day!

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